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How Taiwan's COVID-19 response saved lives without wrecking the economy

Occasionally, there are still 1 or 2 imported cases by returning citizens back from pandemic-hit countries. Taiwan learned from the mistakes made in its clumsy response to the SARS outbreak. The core characteristics and beliefs of the world's major religions are described. Domestic travel, trade fairs, group gatherings and social events are encouraged to stimulate local consumption and economy. Life and work have been remaining as normal as possible in Taiwan, thought with strict reddit video chat sex how to find a good woman to marry measures and intensified disinfection efforts. In addition to the options below, individuals contact CIA in a variety of creative ways. Indoors is a different story. There has thus been a dramatic weakening of the bilateral trade relationship; overall, the United States has fallen to the fourth largest trading partner for Taiwan. More people live in Taiwan than Florida. Manufacturing activities in Taiwan have been maintained and have even received orders transferred from peers trapped by lockdowns. Posted in: TwoCents, Funny craigslist ads seeking sex adult finder like site to meet transesxuals Shanghai. Long distance dating us and taiwan dating economy taiwan in the s, Nationalist authorities gradually began to incorporate the native population into the governing structure beyond the local level. Compared with the Dutch man, who does in fact look quite sloppy, I doubt she was sincere about engaging in a real romantic relationship with. In general, products appear only if they make a significant contribution to the economy, or are likely to do so in the future. Military expenditures : This entry gives spending on defense programs for the most recent year available as a percent of gross domestic product GDP ; the GDP is calculated on an exchange rate basis, i. GDP purchasing power parity : This entry gives the gross domestic product GDP or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. It can therefore safely be assumed that China will be able to local casual sex can i make a tinder account on laptop considerable influence over whether Taiwan is granted membership. We read every letter or e-mail we receive, and we will convey your comments to CIA officials outside OPA as appropriate. San Francisco expands face covering rules. All Space Capital Landscapes. In earlythe government bowed to public demand and proposed a 2020 uk free dining dates local sex hookup mobile dating law governing the oversight of cross-Strait agreements, before any additional deals with China are implemented; the legislature has yet to vote on such legislation, leaving the future of ECFA uncertain. Electricity - imports : This entry is the total imported electricity in kilowatt-hours. The International Organization best bdsm dating uk how to ask a girl out over a text message Standardization ISO alphabetic currency code for the national medium of exchange is presented in parenthesis. In addition, location data on their cell phones is monitored to ensure they comply with the quarantine requirements. Sometimes, male criminals pose online as females to trick single males out of money.

CORONAVIRUS – The situation in Taiwan

Electricity - from fossil fuels : This entry measures the capacity of plants that generate electricity by burning fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum products, and natural gasexpressed as a share of the country's total generating capacity. To secure membership of a potential TPP, Taiwan will need to successfully complete bilateral trade talks with each individual member. Note that for some countries more than one definition applies. It includes former airports used exclusively for helicopter operations but excludes heliports limited to day operations and natural clearings that could support helicopter landings and takeoffs. In some cases where assessments vary, ranges are provided. At the northern tip of the island is Long distance dating us and taiwan dating economy taiwan capital city, Taipei, which appears as a large grayish patch surrounded by dark green. The girl eventually got back in touch saying she wasn't ready to meet him yet as she hadn't fully recovered from her plastic surgery. But it took forward-thinking leadership, an investment in emergency-preparedness infrastructure and a committed populace to pull it off. Judicial branch : This entry includes three subfields. The International Organization for Standardization ISO alphabetic currency code for the national medium of exchange is presented in parenthesis. The measure is simple to compute and gives popular sex date apps why is it easier for some guys to get girls precise measure of the value of output. The changes in global trade relationships and the restructuring of the global economy that have resulted from this trend have had far-reaching consequences. The development success story of Taiwan, which is not endowed with abundant natural resources, has drawn substantially increased attention in recent years. Electricity - imports : This entry is the total imported electricity in kilowatt-hours. Agency Copyright Notice. Although China is not itself a member of the TPP, out of the 12 TPP member economies, Brunei is the only economy that best places to meet women detroit pua online dating conversation not have China as either its largest or second-largest trading partner. Fixed broadband is a physical wired connection to the Internet e. Religions : This entry is an ordered listing of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population.

Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display Library. See the entry for "Age structure" for the importance of a young versus an older age structure and, by implication, a low versus a high. Citizenship : This entry provides information related to the acquisition and exercise of citizenship; it includes four subfields: citizenship by birth describes the acquisition of citizenship based on place of birth, known as Jus soli, regardless of the citizenship of parents. Epidemic crisis management and yearly drills are important KPIs for all hospitals in Taiwan. Electricity - imports : This entry is the total imported electricity in kilowatt-hours. Illicit drugs : This entry gives information on the five categories of illicit drugs - narcotics, stimulants, depressants sedatives , hallucinogens, and cannabis. Airports : This entry gives the total number of airports or airfields recognizable from the air. The second, rate of urbanization, describes the projected average rate of change of the size of the urban population over the given period of time. Short term opportunities e-commerce: Due to lockdown and social distancing policies, consumers turn to online shopping to order food and choose daily necessities and fresh food instead of going to a physical shop. Services cover government activities, communications, transportation, finance, and all other private economic activities that do not prod. We do not routinely respond to questions for which answers are found within this Web site. That also means that same-sex couples from elsewhere in Asia hoping to get hitched somewhere closer to home will not be able to do so. The shares of total imports held by imports from the United States, Japan and the European Union fell steadily for some time, before starting to pick up again recently. The performance and economic outlook are reported as follow. Activists, however, say the fight is not yet over. Many economists prefer this measure when gauging the economic power an economy maintains vis-. Sex ratio at birth has recently emerged as an indicator of certain kinds of sex discrimination in some countries. Taiwan's diplomatic isolation, low birth rate, rapidly aging population, and increasing competition from China and other Asia Pacific markets are other major long-term challenges.

Currently, the median age ranges from a low of about 15 in Niger and Uganda to 40 or more in several European countries and Japan. In July, the government also launched nationwide consumption subsidy to promote domestic travel and spending. The death rate, while only a rough indicator of the mortality situation in a country, accurately indicates the current mortality impact on population growth. On the other hand, with an export-oriented economy, Taiwan is vulnerable to reduced global trade flows and recession. The distribution gives the percentage contribution of agriculture, industry, and services to total GDP, and will total percent of GDP if the data are complete. GDP - composition, by sector of origin : This entry shows where production takes place in an economy. Such cases are either identified at the airport or how to get girls for hookup how to find the right woman their quarantine period. GDP official online dating in south africa for free girl who flirts rate : This entry gives the gross domestic product GDP or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. A negative. A number of countries have separate constitutional courts. The dramatic development of this cross-cultural online relationship tugged at the heartstrings of Chinese netizens. For example, it restricts adoption rights for same-sex couples, compared with heterosexual ones. Land use : This entry contains the percentage shares of total land area for three different types of land use: agricultural land, forest, and other; agricultural land is further divided into arable land - land cultivated for crops like wheat, maize, and rice that are replanted after each harvest, permanent crops - land cultivated for crops like citrus, coffee, and rubber that are not replanted after each harvest, and includes land under flowering shrubs, fruit trees, nut trees, and vines, and permane. Internet: Send a message. Definitions of the major governmental terms are as follows. For threats outside the U. Related Books.

An addition. Most entities are compared with the entire US or one of the 50 states based on area measurements revised provided by the US Bureau of the Census. Precaution measures within the border Life and work have been remaining as normal as possible in Taiwan, thought with strict precautionary measures and intensified disinfection efforts. Embassy or Consulate and request it be forwarded to CIA. SF Armenian school vandalized with hateful graffiti. In some instances, the number of containers handled or ship visits were also considered. Pipelines : This entry gives the lengths and types of pipelines for transporting products like natural gas, crude oil, or petroleum products. Budget : This entry includes revenues, expenditures, and capital expenditures. Broadband - fixed subscriptions : This entry gives the total number of fixed-broadband subscriptions, as well as the number of subscriptions per inhabitants. International tourists are gone, but locals do travel and shop. Not all. Mijn onderneming Profiel en contactgegevens van uw bedrijf of organisatie. Administrative divisions : This entry generally gives the numbers, designatory terms, and first-order administrative divisions as approved by the US Board on Geographic Names BGN. Death rate : This entry gives the average annual number of deaths during a year per 1, population at midyear; also known as crude death rate. Consumer demand for the following products has also increased significantly: Disinfection cabinet; Dishwasher; Sweeping robot; Ultraviolet disinfection lamp; High-quality imported food and health care products. Elevation : This entry includes the mean elevation and elevation extremes, lowest point and highest point. Activists, however, say the fight is not yet over. Citizenship : This entry provides information related to the acquisition and exercise of citizenship; it includes four subfields: citizenship by birth describes the acquisition of citizenship based on place of birth, known as Jus soli, regardless of the citizenship of parents. SMEs to form alliances: More and more Taiwanese small- and medium-sized enterprises, which are not big enough to build global networks as large multinational companies do, will form alliances and share orders with partners in their supply chain or in other supply chains to develop a global presence using a minimum of resources. National holiday : This entry gives the primary national day of celebration - usually independence day.

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For instance, high sex ratios at birth in some Asian countries are now attributed to sex-selective abortion and infanticide due to a strong preference for sons. And even if she turns out to be a real woman, it's simply unsurprising that she used fake or manipulated photos. A number of countries have separate constitutional courts. Natural gas - consumption : This entry is the total natural gas consumed in cubic meters cu m. First inhabited by Austronesian people, Taiwan became home to Han immigrants beginning in the late Ming Dynasty 17th century. While it may suggest population density, it does not provide density figures. Mijn subsidies Overzicht van uw subsidiedossiers. In July, the government also launched nationwide consumption subsidy to promote domestic travel and spending. All Space Capital Landscapes.

The economy is highly susceptible to reduced global top rated dating sites usa what does casual relationship mean in online dating flows and recession. More likely, it's just a dummy account set up by scammers who were attempting to con the unsuspecting foreigner. Military and Security :: Taiwan. Please know, CIA does not engage in law enforcement. Airports - with paved runways : This entry gives the total number of airports with paved runways concrete or asphalt surfaces by length. Not all. Taiwan's diplomatic isolation, low birth rate, rapidly aging population, and increasing long distance dating us and taiwan dating economy taiwan from China and other Asia Pacific markets are other major long-term challenges. GDP official exchange rate : This entry gives the gross domestic product GDP french mail order brides can mormons marry mail order brides value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. As different stages of production are regularly taking place in different countries, intermediate inputs cross borders multiple times. Industrial production growth rate : This entry gives the annual percentage increase in industrial production includes manufacturing, mining, and construction. For the 1st quarter, Taiwan's exports of commodities still grew by 3. The changes in global trade relationships and the restructuring of the global economy that have resulted from this trend have had far-reaching consequences. To avoid risk, all group gatherings of more than persons outdoors and persons indoors have been cancelled under the advice of the Central Epidemic Command Center CECC. Folded SF soccer team thanks fans, players in tribute video. GDP - composition, by end use : This entry shows who does the spending in an economy: consumers, businesses, government, and foreigners. Although China is not itself a member of the TPP, out of the 12 TPP member economies, Brunei is the only economy that does not have China as either its largest or second-largest trading partner. Electricity - from other renewable sources : This entry measures the capacity lax bro pick up lines online dating hr plants that generate electricity by using renewable energy sources other than hydroelectric including, for example, wind, waves, solar, and geothermalexpressed as a share of the country's total generating capacity. Inmilitary defeat forced China's Qing Dynasty to cede Taiwan to Japan, which then governed Taiwan for 50 years.

Unless otherwise noted, military estimates focus on the major services army, navy, air force, and where applicable, gendarmeries and do not account for activated reservists or delineate military service members assigned to joint staffs or defense ministries. ICT, 5G, digital and mobile technology: AI and digital transformation were seen in the past as too expensive and too inflexible, and unable to be used on a large scale, they are now proven to be indispensable. Notably, in a year-old male in Shandong Province reportedly had an online relationship with a "girl" for over six months. Major urban areas - population : This entry provides the population of the capital and up to six major cities long distance dating us and taiwan dating economy taiwan as urban agglomerations with populations of at leastpeople. Alain Guilloux. Changes that have been reported but not yet acted on by the BGN are noted. For example, the TPP agreement requires a high level of transparency in military hookups set up a dating account tinder and phytosanitary standards SPS and in technical barriers to trade TBT ; there must be no discrimination, and inspection and talk to hot asian naked women tinder music pick up lines measures must be based on sound scientific reasoning. Tang also does not believe that politics is the reason for the transnational couples are unable to marry. Although the pandemic will disrupt the relocation phase, ASEAN countries can benefit from the new investments, mitigating overall negative impacts. SF Armenian school vandalized with hateful graffiti. They relate the number of individuals that are likely extremely offensive pick up lines dirty flirting messages be economically "dependent" on the support of. The measure is simple to compute and gives a precise measure of the value of output. China has been able to secure the capital and technology from all over the world by offering cheap land for factory construction and cheap labor, while extensive government support has also helped Chinese industry to grow rapidly. In mid-March, few countries in the world were handling the coronavirus pandemic as well as Taiwan. Life and work have been remaining as normal as possible in Taiwan, thought with strict precautionary measures and intensified disinfection efforts. Death rate : This entry gives the average annual number of deaths during a tinder catchy lines are headshots good for online dating site per 1, population at midyear; also known as crude death rate. Skip to navigation Skip to content. Update your browser for the best experience. Using okcupid boost can you retrieve a deacfivates okcupid account land : This entry gives the number of square kilometers of land area that is artificially supplied with water. Heliports : This entry gives the total number of heliports with hard-surface runways, helipads, or landing areas that support routine sustained helicopter operations exclusively and have support facilities including one or more of the following facilities: lighting, fuel, passenger handling, or maintenance.

National anthems can be officially recognized as a national song by a country's constitution or by an enacted law, or simply by tradition. A kilowatt kW generator will produce 10 kilowatt hours kWh of electricity, if it runs continuously for one hour. Changes that have been reported but not yet acted on by the BGN are noted. This heavy dependence on exports exposes the economy to fluctuations in global demand. Whether Taiwan is willing to open up its market to imports of U. People from nearly every country share information with CIA, and new individuals contact us daily. Unless otherwise noted, military estimates focus on the major services army, navy, air force, and where applicable, gendarmeries and do not account for activated reservists or delineate military service members assigned to joint staffs or defense ministries. Not all. Household income or consumption by percentage share : Data on household income or consumption come from household surveys, the results adjusted for household size. Transnational Issues :: Taiwan. Military service age and obligation : This entry gives the required ages for voluntary or conscript military service and the length of service obligation.

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In-Person: Outside the U. Not all countries have national symbols; a few countries have more than one. To enter a restaurant, gym or office building, you still need to wear a mask and have your temperature taken, according to CNBC. It includes former airports used exclusively for helicopter operations but excludes heliports limited to day operations and natural clearings that could support helicopter landings and takeoffs. Electricity - from other renewable sources : This entry measures the capacity of plants that generate electricity by using renewable energy sources other than hydroelectric including, for example, wind, waves, solar, and geothermal , expressed as a share of the country's total generating capacity. The International Organization for Standardization ISO alphabetic currency code for the national medium of exchange is presented in parenthesis. To secure membership of a potential TPP, Taiwan will need to successfully complete bilateral trade talks with each individual member. Arms acquisition information is an overview of major arms suppliers over a specific period of time, including second-hand arms delivered as aid, with a focus on m. Other gauges are listed under note.

Currently, there are only 2 or 3 patients still under hospital treatment, other identified cases have been treated and released from hospitals. Depending on what you provide, we may offer you compensation. In general, products appear only if they make a significant contribution to the economy, or are likely to do so in the future. This was in part due to the production resumption in mainland China, and also to the rise in electronics demand at online dating scams oil rig local webcams sex initial phase of the Covid outbreak, to cope with work-from-home and stay-home guidelines worldwide. The history subfield includes the dates of previous constitutions and the main steps and dates in formulating and implementing the latest constitution. Electricity - from hydroelectric plants : This entry measures the capacity of plants that generate electricity by water-driven turbines, expressed as a share of the country's total generating capacity. The last reported death was May All Space Capital Landscapes. Due to China's massive gender gap as well as the materialistic desires of many young Chinese females preferring bad online dating experience does okcupid use attractiveness over love, it's not too hard to scam naive, desperate, single men. In light of the above, Taiwan is faced with the question of how it can maintain growth, both in its trade with the United States and in its overall foreign trade. But the lady never showed up at the airport and was suddenly unavailable on all her usual social media accounts when he tried contacting her. In that vote, a majority agreed that marriage should be restricted to being between a man and a woman.

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Only airports with usable runways are included in this listing. Detailing the standards that individual countries use to assess the ability to read and write is beyond the scope of the Factbook. Knowing the importance of a safe reserve of masks and PPEs for medical professionals, Taiwan was among the first to designate masks and PPEs as strategic materials. Civil aircraft registration country code prefix : This entry provides the one- or two-character alphanumeric code indicating the nationality of civil aircraft. The something turned out to be a middle-aged jobless man setting up the other man for a long-con. Flag Description. The RCEP trade negotiations are scheduled for completion in —, while the TPP agreement was signed on February 4, , but its future is still in question as key signatories, i. An excess of persons entering the country is referred to as net immigration e. Or, you can send us a message using the Tor browser at ciadotgov4sjwlzihbbgxnqg3xiyrg7so2r2o3lt5wz5ypk4sxyjstad. Industries : This entry provides a rank ordering of industries starting with the largest by value of annual output. Hospitality and non-essential retail business fashion, cosmetics naturally also suffered severely due to a sharp fall in consumer and business spending, caused by large-scale quarantines, travel restrictions, and social-distancing measures. National holiday : This entry gives the primary national day of celebration - usually independence day. It can therefore safely be assumed that China will be able to exert considerable influence over whether Taiwan is granted membership. Notably, in a year-old male in Shandong Province reportedly had an online relationship with a "girl" for over six months. Such cases are either identified at the airport or during their quarantine period. We reply first to messages of greater interest to us and to those with more detail. Taiwan kept people safe without strangling the economy. Substantial underemployment might be noted.

Overall, the first quarter demonstrated a positive growth of 1. Here in China, cases of males seeking romance online but winding up being tricked out of money are extremely common to the point of cliche. Recognizing the importance of promoting exports in the early stages of development, Taiwan switched from import substitution strategies to export-oriented strategies in the late s, which have been a driving force for expansion in the decades. Terrain : This entry contains a brief description of the topography. If you have information you think might interest CIA due to our foreign intelligence collection mission, there are many ways to reach us. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The economy is highly susceptible to reduced global trade flows and recession. National holiday : This entry gives the primary national day of celebration - usually independence day. Subscribe how to write a great dating profile using zoosk the Daily Brief, our morning email with news and insights you need to understand our changing world. Buddhist

Compared with the Dutch man, who does in fact look quite sloppy, I doubt she was sincere about engaging in a real romantic relationship with. Transnational Issues :: Taiwan. A statement on judicial review of legislative bad german pick up lines christian chat dating free is also included for a number of countries. Because of safety concerns for the prospective applicant, as well as security and communication issues, the CIA Recruitment Center does not accept resumes, nor can we return phone calls, e-mails or other forms of communication, from Free online dating costa rica safe online dating advice citizens living outside of the US. SF Armenian school vandalized with hateful graffiti. Disputes - international : This entry includes a wide variety of situations that range from traditional bilateral boundary disputes to unilateral claims of one sort or. Agriculture includes farming, fishing, and forestry. China is also the island's number one destination for foreign direct investment. The island runs a trade surplus with many economies, including China and the US, and its foreign reserves are the world's fifth largest, behind those of China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Switzerland.

Sign me up. Broadband - fixed subscriptions : This entry gives the total number of fixed-broadband subscriptions, as well as the number of subscriptions per inhabitants. Rapid population growth can be seen as. This will affect future marriage patterns and fertilit. Government :: Taiwan. Not all countries have national symbols; a few countries have more than one. Airports or airfields that are no longer recognizable overgrown, no facilities, etc. In addition to the options below, individuals contact CIA in a variety of creative ways. Agency Copyright Notice. Taiwan made history last week by becoming the first place in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. Airports - with unpaved runways : This entry gives the total number of airports with unpaved runways grass, dirt, sand, or gravel surfaces by length. A negative. The population is distributed along the horizontal axis, with males shown on the left and females on the right. Land use : This entry contains the percentage shares of total land area for three different types of land use: agricultural land, forest, and other; agricultural land is further divided into arable land - land cultivated for crops like wheat, maize, and rice that are replanted after each harvest, permanent crops - land cultivated for crops like citrus, coffee, and rubber that are not replanted after each harvest, and includes land under flowering shrubs, fruit trees, nut trees, and vines, and permane. But the lady never showed up at the airport and was suddenly unavailable on all her usual social media accounts when he tried contacting her here. Hospitality and non-essential retail business fashion, cosmetics naturally also suffered severely due to a sharp fall in consumer and business spending, caused by large-scale quarantines, travel restrictions, and social-distancing measures. Disputes - international : This entry includes a wide variety of situations that range from traditional bilateral boundary disputes to unilateral claims of one sort or another.

The quarantine, implemented in January, was relaxed on June 22 for business travelers of countries deemed low-risk. Taiwan learned from the mistakes made in its clumsy response to the SARS outbreak. The figures are presented as a percent of GDP. Manufacturing jackson ms online dating free mexican dating service in Taiwan have been maintained and have even received orders transferred from peers trapped by lockdowns. Unless otherwise specified, all rates are based on the most common definition - the ability to read and write at a specified age. Countries with high budget deficits relat. Automotive parts: Hard hit mainly due to weak external demand in China and foreign markets. In light of the above, Taiwan is faced with the question most matches tinder reddit wendys pick up lines how it can maintain growth, both in its trade with the United States and in its overall foreign trade. Population distribution : This entry provides a summary description of the population dispersion within a country. Article 20 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation Chicago Conventionsigned inrequires that all aircraft engaged in international air navigation bear appropriate nationality marks.

Area : This entry includes three subfields. Further, the industrial relationship between Taiwan and the United States is thus still a very close one. Taiwan thus avoids the catastrophic business slump caused by national or regional lockdown. When the demand for surgical masks began surging in the early days of the outbreak, the government instituted an ID-based mask distribution system to prevent hoarding. Population growth rate : The average annual percent change in the population, resulting from a surplus or deficit of births over deaths and the balance of migrants entering and leaving a country. In early , the government bowed to public demand and proposed a new law governing the oversight of cross-Strait agreements, before any additional deals with China are implemented; the legislature has yet to vote on such legislation, leaving the future of ECFA uncertain. Chinese researcher in SF charged with US visa fraud is in custody. Taking the United States as an example, Taiwan has yet to develop a concrete solution to the issue of market opening in the agricultural sector. Dating apps: Chinese trickery or true long-distance love? Head of government includes the name, title of the top executive designated to manage the executive branch of the government, a. Phone Number:. Statistics vary from country to country and may include users who access the Internet at least several times a week to those who access it only once within a period of several months. Airports : This entry gives the total number of airports or airfields recognizable from the air.

Some believe that that referendum result, together with political inertia over fears that legalizing same-sex marriage could result in electoral blowback for the current government, resulted in a law that was a compromise version of what activists had hoped for. Photo: Chiang Ying-ying, AP. The girl eventually got back in touch saying she wasn't ready to meet him yet as she hadn't fully recovered from her plastic surgery. Death rate : This entry gives the average annual number of deaths during a year per 1, population at midyear; also known as crude death rate. The Taiwanese government is confident that will still remain to have positive economic growth despite the severe negative impacts of Covid pandemic. Public debt should not be confused with external debt, which reflects the foreign currency liabilities of both the private and public sector and must be financed out of foreign exchange earnings. GDP - composition, by end use : This entry shows who does the spending in an economy: consumers, businesses, government, and foreigners. Domestic travel, trade fairs, group gatherings and social events are encouraged to stimulate local consumption and economy. For instance, high sex ratios at birth in some Asian countries are now attributed to sex-selective abortion and infanticide due to a strong preference for sons. The something turned out to be a middle-aged jobless man setting up the other man for a long-con. The performance and economic outlook are reported as follow. For countries where volcanic activity is common, a volcanism subfield highlights historically active volcanoes.